CARP-E Metadator
Geautomatiseerd metadateren van documenten.
Local Governments are obliged to add metadata to all the documents produced to increase searchability and in the end transparency of the governmental body. TMLO (Toepassingsprofiel Metadatering Lokale Overheden) is a specific requirement for governmental archives in the Netherlands and has its particular attributes. TM7 CARP-E Metadator is capable of extracting the required metadata from a large variety of documents.

Metadata is information about information. It gives the context of the information.
This context is necessary to make information searchable, reusable and relevant. It also enables the organizations to have better understanding of the available information and it is an essential part of any information architecture.
The metadata gives answers to the questions such as: what is it? Where is it? What is context? For who is it? Who owns it? What is the validity? Where is it used?
Local Governments are obligated to add metadata to all the documents produced to increase searchability and in the end transparency of the governmental body. TMLO (Toepassingsprofiel Metadatering Lokale Overheden) is a specific requirement for governmental archives and has its particular attributes
The Carp Metadator is capable of extracting the required metadata from a large variety of documents.
The Carp Metadator can be combined with the Carp Anonymizer. Once installed, the domain experts of the municipalities can fine-tune the solution themselves and process the various streams of documents, reducing the support from our technicians to a minimum.
Benefits of the Carp-e Metadator
- Consequential use for defining the MetaData
- Easy to integrate in any file archive environment
- Metadator learns through artificial intelligence and can easily be reapplied to a dataset
- Metadata can be created on complete archives as well